Thanks to our Soundwave Partners
Why become a partner?
Radio Margaret River (RMR) connects your business or organisation directly to the local community. Streaming via the Internet, RMR is the voice of the Margaret River Region.
We have a range of flexible partnership and advertising packages available to suit your needs.
For information please contact
Why advertise?
Your business will be seen and heard by a diverse range of the local community.
We’re confident our local community will embrace RMR. We expect our extensive marketing campaign to deliver high volumes of actively engaged listeners both locally and nationally.
If you have a message for the local community we’re the ones to deliver it, immediately and professionally.
Digital advertising starts from as low as $50 per month.
For more information please contact
Our Commitment
RMR is committed to maintaining our audience’s trust in the honesty and integrity of what they see, hear and read. Advertisements and partner content will be readily recognisable as such.
It’s important to us that our listeners know that our advertisers and sponsors don’t influence our editorial decisions. Nobody can pay for advertising then demand that we do or don’t talk about a particular subject at other times.
Sometimes we will interview representatives from station sponsors, but we will make it very clear at the start of the segment by saying something like, “We’re talking with Bob from the shire. This segment is sponsored by the shire.”
In all decisions relating to advertising and partnership, RMR’s independence and integrity are paramount.
Thank You
“I get by with a little help from my friends.”
― John Lennon
We want to hear you on air!
We're collecting local voices
identifying our radio station.
Find out how you can be involved.

RMR is an internet radio station
- Listen through our website
- Listen on your phone via the iHeart app
- Listen in your car by connecting via bluetooth
Local Pulse, Global Beat