Camping and Leisure Show volunteers needed
The River Angels are looking for volunteers to help them out at the Margaret River Camping and Leisure Show on Saturday March 27th. Please contact Lynda if you can spare some time to give them a hand.
Lynda Donovan
River Angels
PO Box 481, Margaret River
0403 430 838
Nature Conservation Margaret River
Capes Coastal Forum
Nature Conservation Margaret River Region is helping with the development of a community coastal code to safeguard the Capes Coast into the future.
They will be hosting Capes Coastal Forums on Wednesday 17th March from 5.45 to 8pm at Yallingup Hall and on Wednesday 24th March at the same times at the Augusta Community Resource Centre.
Contact Nature Conservation if you’d like to attend.
Wooditjup Bilya
The group is also organising an event to celebrate the natural and cultural values of Wooditjup Bilya on Saturday 27th March at Rotary Park. This is a free family event starting at 10am and finishing at 3, with guided walks, information stalls, art and entertainment. Food and drinks will be available.
Tel. 9757 2202
The Soupie at the Community Centre is open on Monday and Wednesday from 5pm for takeaway only – still no dining in due to COVID.
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