Young@HEART starts again on September 6th with Bruce Godden’s classical guitar students from the High School, plus ex-student Wilbur Grantham, who is currently studying at the WA Academy of Performing Arts.
On September 13th we can hear Brett Wilson and Co, who are a vocal and guitar combination.
Then on September 20th Tony Keller plays Classical piano.
Contact: Ross Goulden on
“Search for the Queen of Sheba Orchid” Film
Did you know there are orchids in South Western Australia which specifically attract insects to pollinate only orchid flowers, like the rare & elusive Queen of Sheba? This fascinating film is being shown at Margaret River Library on Thursday 9th September, 5:30-7:30 & Augusta Council Chambers on Friday 10th September, 10-12pm, presented by Dr Daniela Scaccabarozzi, a pollination biologist. Both free events and all welcome, please rsvp to the library.
Contact: RSVP to or Phone 9780 5600 Presentation followed by Film (duration approx-1 hr), then Q&A.
Earthship Open Day
We are privileged to have in our midst a home that is completely self-sustainable and built entirely of recycled products. There are unique guided tours where you can learn about “Life off the Grid”, at 1pm and 2pm on 11th September. The special Open Day lasts from 1-4pm and is at Southerly Place, East Augusta.
Contact: East Augusta Earthship via Facebook or Instagram.
Margaret River Region Open Studios
A free chance to meet 140 artists in their studios happens this coming month. You can get tips and techniques, be inspired, or simply buy a masterpiece from 11-26th September. Times vary, so pick up a guide brochure or go online.
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