Soup Kitchen
The Soup Kitchen is doing takeaways on Monday and Wednesday evenings at 5pm. Social distancing means you can’t dine on the grounds yet, but you can still get an affordable and nourishing meal by donation if times are tough.
The Soupie is in the Community Centre – The Old Hospital – on Tunbridge Street.
Community Walk
On Sunday 29th November, Rotary Margaret River is hosting a Community Walk, starting and finishing in Rotary Park.
It’s a casual, family friendly walk followed by a complimentary coffee for walkers and soft drink for kids and there will be a sausage sizzle on the go too.
You can start the walk any time from 8.30 to 10.30am (last walkers to leave at 10.30) – marshalls will be around the course to show you the way.
Sewing Bee
Come along to pin, cut, iron, fold or sew some super strong bags for the Christmas Hampers.
Please RSVP to Nirala on 0401 397 156 by Monday 30th November for catering purposes.
Hardy Inlet Estuary Community Update
On Tuesday 1st December the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation and Lower Blackwood Landcare are providing an update on the Hardy Inlet.
Presentations will cover the latest water quality data, programs to improve estuary health and the launch of the Scott River Action Plan.
It runs from 4.30 to 6.30pm at the Augusta Hotel.
Please RSVP by Friday 27 November on the Lower Blackwood Catchment website.
Lions Christmas Cakes
You know it’s nearly Christmas when the Lions world famous Christmas cakes are on sale!
Find them in local stores – Bunnings, Mitre 10, The Produce Store and the banks.
Large cakes are $17, smaller ones $13 and Christmas puddings for $13.
Preserve Gnarabup Pledge Campaign
Local action group Preserve Gnarabup has launched a campaign calling for pledges from the community. Funds will go towards their fight against the proposed development on the Gnarabup headland.
Go to the Preserve Gnarabup Pozible Campaign for details.
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