Margaret River Community Garden
Margaret River Community Garden needs more volunteers. The garden was set up a few years ago and is flourishing, but needs ongoing TLC. The gardeners meet from 8.30 – 11.00 am Wednesday mornings at 41 Clarke Road, Margaret River, but you can come whenever you like and stay as long as you want. Everyone’s welcome.
For more information pop in on Wednesday mornings or ring Sally on 97572940.
Do you want to be an angel?
The Margaret River Angels need a few more volunteers, particularly after the COVID lockdown.
There are a few gardening jobs to be filled – so please give Lynda a call if you’re up for a few hours of outdoor work in Margaret River or Augusta.
The cleaning rosters were suspended due to COVID, but please get in touch if you can help out.
Monthly food drops are back on too. There are freezers at 3 businesses in town and volunteers can cook and drop off throughout the month. The Angels come in on a set delivery day each month to divide and distribute.
The drop off points are:
● Margaret River Motors, Unit 4 of 3 Burton Road in the LIA between 9.30 and 3.30
● Stocker Preston on Bussell Highway between 9.30 and 4.30
● The Augusta Escape – opposite the Post Office in Augusta – please contact Kyra
Frozen meals can be dropped off at all locations but please label and date all home made food. Please also note if it contains nuts. There’s a book at each location to record what you’ve dropped off.
The next delivery day is Friday 5th of March.
TEL: 0403 430 838
Cowaramup Lions annual auction
Cowaramup Lions are hosting their annual auction and car boot sale on Saturday March 6th on the Cowaramup Oval from 10am. Sign up online for a spot. Auctioned goods will be sold on a commission basis.
Lions will be selling hot food and cold drinks on the day and all proceeds will go towards future local community projects.
CONTACT DETAILS: Les Heywood – 0417 156 322 or Lawrie Dwyer – 0419 045 005
Local Housing Crisis
As we all know, the rental crisis is affecting many people in our community. Local housing advocacy group ‘Just Home Margaret River’ is conducting a 10 minute online survey for people living in the Augusta Margaret River community. Please complete this survey if you live in Augusta-Margaret River, and are experiencing homelessness or are affected by the rental crisis – we’ve included a link on the RMR website.
Soupie & Paradise Cafe
The Soupie at the Community Centre is open on Monday and Wednesday from 5pm for takeaway only – still no dining in due to COVID.
Paradise Cafe is back! Open on Fridays from 10 till 12 outside the Soupie at the Community Centre. A gold coin donation will get you a delicious coffee from volunteers Matt and Candeese.
Paradise Cafe is possible due to the generous support of Yahava.
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